
Asociación Chilena de Paleontología

Artículos Científicos

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  • Paleontología y Ciencia
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Solemyidae (Bivalvia, Protobranchia) from the lower Miocene of south-central Chile, with description of a new species

Journal/Revista: Journal of Paleontology
Autor ACHP: Sven Nielsen Leonardo Pérez
Año: 2019
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The Neogene fossil record of Aetomylaeus (Elasmobranchii, Myliobatidae) from the south-eastern Pacific

Journal/Revista: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Autores: Marrama, G., Hernandez, S., Carrillo-Briceno, J. D., Hovestadt, D., Kindlimann, R., & Kriwet, J.
Autor ACHP: Jaime Villafaña
Año: 2019
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Reassessment of cf. Plotosaurus from the upper Maastrichtian of Chile, with comments on the South American distribution of halisaurine mosasaurs

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: Jiménez-Huidobro, P. & Caldwell, M. W.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2019
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Sueria laxinervis, a new fossil species of cycadales from the upper cretaceous quiriquina formation in cocholgüe, Bíobío Region, Chile

Journal/Revista: Phytotaxa
Autores: Yamada, T., Yamada, T. F., Terada, K., Ohsawa, T. A., Yabe, A., Uemura, K., Legrand, J., Nishida, H., & López-Sepúlveda, P.
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2019
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Palaeopathological analysis of a Chilean gomphothere (Proboscidea: Gomphotheriidae)

Journal/Revista: International Journal of Paleopathology
Autores: Pacheco A
Autor ACHP: Rafael Labarca
Año: 2019
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A late Pleistocene human footprint from the Pilauco archaeological site, northern Patagonia, Chile.

Journal/Revista: PloS One
Autores: Macías, C., Navarro-Harris, X., De Pol-Holz, R.
Autor ACHP: Enrique Bostelmann Karen Moreno Mario Pino
Año: 2019
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A molecular phylogeny of the extinct South American gomphothere through collagen sequence analysis

Journal/Revista: Quaternary Science Reviews
Autores: Buckley, M., Recabarren, O. P., Lawless, C., García, N.
Autor ACHP: Mario Pino
Año: 2019
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Comparison of lake and land tephra records from the 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile

Journal/Revista: Bullrtin of Volcanology
Autores: McNamara K., Rust A.C., Cashman K.V., Castruccio A.
Autor ACHP: Ana Abarzua
Año: 2019
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New excavations at the late Pleistocene site of Chinchihuapi I, Chile.

Journal/Revista: Quaternary Research
Autores: Dillehay, T. D., Ocampo, C., Saavedra, J., Scott-Cummings, L., Kovácik, P., Silva, C., & Alvar, R
Autor ACHP: Mario Pino
Año: 2019
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Sedimentary record from Patagonia, southern Chile supports cosmic-impact triggering of biomass burning, climate change, and megafaunal extinctions at 12.8 ka

Journal/Revista: Scientific Reports
Autores: Astorga, G., Martel-Cea, A., Cossio-Montecinos, N., Navarro, R. X., Lira, M. P., LeCompte, M. A., Adedeji, V., Moore, C. R., Bunch, T. E., Mooney, C., Wolbach, W. S., West, A., & Kennett, J. P.
Autor ACHP: Ana Abarzua Rafael Labarca Mario Pino
Año: 2019
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The procurement and use of knappable glassy volcanic raw material from the late Pleistocene Pilauco site, Chilean Northwestern Patagonia

Journal/Revista: Geoarchaeology
Autores: Navarro, H. X., Guzmán, MNavarro, H. X., Pino, M., Guzmán, M. P., Lira, M. P., & Corgne, AP., Lira, M. P., Labarca, R., & Corgne, ANavarro, H. X., Pino, M., Guzmán, M. P., Lira, M. P., Labarca, R., & Corgne, A
Autor ACHP: Rafael Labarca Mario Pino
Año: 2019
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An Oligocene microthermal forest dominated by Nothofagus in Sierra Baguales, Chilean Patagonia: Response to global cooling and tectonic events

Journal/Revista: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Autores: Gutiérrez NM, Pino JP, Le Roux JP, Pedroza V, Oyarzun JL
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa
Año: 2019
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Campanian-Maastrichtian and Eocene stratigraphic architecture, facies analysis, and paleoenvironmental evolution of the northern Magallanes Basin (Chilean Patagonia)

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Lavina, E. L. C.,Trevisan, C.
Autor ACHP: Roy Fernández Marcelo Leppe C. Leslie Manriquez
Año: 2019
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The isocrinine crinoid Isselicrinus Rovereto from the Paleogene of the Americas

Journal/Revista: Journal of Paleontology
Autores: Donovan SK, Velez-Juarbe J, Portell RW.
Autor ACHP: Sven Nielsen
Año: 2019
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Assessing the Causes Behind the Late Quaternary Extinction of Horses in South America Using Species Distribution Models

Journal/Revista: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Autores: Corcoran, D., & Marquet, P. A.
Autor ACHP: Natalia Villavicencio
Año: 2019
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Early Miocene cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes: Holocephali, Elasmobranchii) from Chile: Diversity and paleobiogeographic implications

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Klug, S., & Kriwet, J.
Autor ACHP: Sven Nielsen Jaime Villafaña
Año: 2019
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. From the Pacific to the Tropical Forests: Networks of Social Interaction in the Atacama Desert, Late in the Pleistocene

Journal/Revista: Chungara, Revista de Antropologia Chilena
Autores: Santoro, C. M., Gayo, E. M., Capriles, J. M., Herrera, K. A., Mandakovic, V., Rallo, M., Rech, J. A., Cases, B., Briones, L., Olguin, L., Valenzuela, D., Borrero, L. A., Ugalde, P. C., Roihhanuner, F., Latorre, C., & Szpak, P
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Rivadeneira
Año: 2019
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Genetic and phenotypic diversity in 2000 years old maize (Zea mays L.) samples from the Tarapaca region, Atacama Desert, Chile

Journal/Revista: PLoS ONE
Autores: Elgueta AV., Pérez MF., Peralta G., Rodríguez MU.
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa
Año: 2019
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Anatomical revision of the Australian teleosts Cavenderichthys talbragarensis and Waldmanichthys koonwarri impacting on previous phylogenetic interpretations of teleostean relationships

Journal/Revista: Alcheringa
Autores: Bean L
Autor ACHP: Gloria Arratia
Año: 2019
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On a remarkable new species of Tharsis, a Late Jurassic teleostean fish from southern Germany: its morphology and phylogenetic relationships

Journal/Revista: Fossil Record
Autores: H.-P. Schultze, H. Tischlinger
Autor ACHP: Gloria Arratia
Año: 2019
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Palaeoepidemiology in extinct vertebrate populations: factors influencing skeletal health in Jurassic marine reptiles

Journal/Revista: Royal Society Open Science
Autores: Kear, B., & Maxwell, E. E.
Autor ACHP: Judith Pardo-Pérez
Año: 2019
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Borealodon osedax, a new stem mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Oligocene of Washington State and its implications for fossil whale-fall communities.

Journal/Revista: Royal Society Open Science
Autores: Shipps, B. K., Peredo, Carlos Mauricio.
Autor ACHP: Nicholas D. Pyenson
Año: 2019
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Norrisanima miocaena, a new generic name and redescription of a stem balaenopteroid mysticete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Miocene of California.

Journal/Revista: PeerJ 
Autores: Leslie, Matthew S., Peredo, Carlos Mauricio
Autor ACHP: Nicholas D. Pyenson
Año: 2019
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Oldest record of monk seals from the North Pacific and biogeographic implications

Journal/Revista: Biology Letters
Autores: Velez-Juarbe, J.
Autor ACHP: Ana M. Valenzuela-Toro
Año: 2019
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Strangers in a strange land: Ecological dissimilarity to metatherian carnivores may partly explain early colonization of South America by Cyonasua- group procyonids.

Journal/Revista: Paleobiology
Autores: Engelman, R. K.
Autor ACHP: Darin Croft
Año: 2019

An emerging consensus in the evolution, phylogeny, and systematics of marsupials and their fossil relatives (Metatheria).

Journal/Revista: Journal of Mammalogy
Autores: Eldridge, M. D. B., Beck, R. M. D., Travouillon, K. J., & Fox, B. J
Autor ACHP: Darin Croft
Año: 2019
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Assesment and interpretation of negative forelimb allometry in the evolution of nonavian Theropoda

Journal/Revista: Frontiers in Zoology
Autores: Palma Liberona, J. A., Mendez, M. A.
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2019
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Coastal biophysical processes and the biogeography of rocky intertidal species along the south‐eastern Pacific.

Journal/Revista: Journal of Biogeography
Autores: Lara, C., Saldías, G. S., Cazelles, B., Haye, P. A., & Broitman, B. R
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Rivadeneira
Año: 2019
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Connections between Benthic Populations and Local Strandings of the Southern Bull Kelp Durvillaea Antarctica along the Continental Coast of Chile

Autores: Schreiber, L., Lopez, B. A., & Thiel, M
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Rivadeneira
Año: 2019
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Genetic and morphological divergence at a biogeographic break in the beach-dwelling brooder Excirolana hirsuticauda Menzies (Crustacea, Peracarida).

Journal/Revista: BMC Evolutionary Biology
Autores: Haye, P. A., Segovia, N. I., Varela, A. I., Rojas, R., & Thiel, M
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Rivadeneira
Año: 2019
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Micro Methods for Megafauna: Novel Approaches to Late Quaternary Extinctions and Their Contributions to Faunal Conservation in the Anthropocene

Journal/Revista: BioScience
Autores: Jillian A Swift, Michael Bunce, Joe Dortch, Kristina Douglass, J Tyler Faith, James A Fellows Yates, Judith Field, Simon G Haberle, Eileen Jacob, Chris N Johnson, Emily Lindsey, Eline D Lorenzen, Julien Louys, Gifford Miller, Alexis M Mychajliw, Viviane Slon, , Michael R Waters, Frido Welker, Rachel Wood, Michael Petraglia, Nicole Boivin, Patrick Roberts
Autor ACHP: Natalia Villavicencio
Año: 2019
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On the importance of habitat continuity for delimiting biogeographic regions and shaping richness gradients.

Journal/Revista: Ecology Letters
Autores: Fenberg, P. B.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Rivadeneira
Año: 2019
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Southward invasion of Craspedacusta sowerbii across mesotrophic lakes in Chile: geographical distribution and genetic diversity of the medusa phase.

Journal/Revista: Freshwater Science
Autores: Fuentes, R., Cárdenas, L., & Caputo, L.
Autor ACHP: Ana Abarzua
Año: 2019

Sustained Antarctic Research: A 21st Century Imperative

Journal/Revista: Antarctic Research
Autores: Mahlon C. Kennicutt, David Bromwich, Daniela Liggett, Birgit Njåstad, Lloyd Peck, Stephen R. Rintoul, Catherine Ritz, Martin J. Siegert, Alan Aitken, Cassandra M. Brooks, John Cassano, Sanjay Chaturvedi, Dake Chen, Klaus Dodds, Nicholas R. Golledge, Céline Le Bohec, Alison Murray, P. Chandrika Nath, Marilyn N. Raphael, Michelle Rogan-Finnemore, Dustin M. Schroeder, Lynne Talley, Tony Travouillon, David G. Vaughan, Lifan Wang, Allan T. Weatherwax, Huigen Yang, Steven L. Chown
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2019
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The repeated evolution of dental apicobasal ridges in aquatic-feeding mammals and reptiles

Journal/Revista: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society
Autores: McCurry, Matthew R., Evans, Alistair R., Fitzgerald, Erich M. G., McHenry, Colin R., Bevitt, Joseph
Autor ACHP: Nicholas D. Pyenson
Año: 2019
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The waterlogged volcanic ash soils of southern Chile. A review of the "Ñadi" soils.

Journal/Revista: Catena
Autores: Zúñiga, F., Dec, D., Valle, S. R., Thiers, O., Paulino, L., Martínez, O., Seguel, O., Casanova, M., Horn, R., & Dörner, J.
Autor ACHP: Mario Pino
Año: 2019
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Using remote sensing to detect whale strandings in remote areas: The case of sei whales mass mortality in Chilean Patagonia

Journal/Revista: PLoS ONE
Autores: Peter T. Fretwell,Jennifer A. Jackson,Mauricio J. Ulloa Encina,Vreni Häussermann,Maria J. Perez Alvarez,Carlos Olavarría
Autor ACHP: Carolina S. Gutstein
Año: 2019
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What do we know about the fossil record of pinnipeds? A historiographical investigation

Journal/Revista: Royal Society Open Science
Autor ACHP: Nicholas D. Pyenson Ana M. Valenzuela-Toro
Año: 2019
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Why whales are big but not bigger: Physiological drivers and ecological limits in the age of ocean giants

Journal/Revista: Science
Autores: Goldbogen, J. A., Cade, D. E., Wisniewska, D. M., Potvin, J., Segre, P. S., Savoca, M. S., Hazen, E. L., Czapanskiy, M. F., Kahane-Rapport, S. R., DeRuiter, S. L., Gero, S., Tonnesen, P., Gough, W. T., Hanson, M. B., Holt, M. M., Jensen, F. H., Simon, M., Stimpert, A. K., Arranz, P., Johnston, D. W., Nowacek, D. P., Parks, S. E., Visser, F., Friedlaender, A. S., Tyack, P. L
Autor ACHP: Nicholas D. Pyenson
Año: 2019
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