
Asociación Chilena de Paleontología

Artículos Científicos

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Pliocene balanuliths from northern Chile: The first report of fossil balanuliths

Journal/Revista: Palaios
Autor ACHP: Sven Nielsen
Año: 2009
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The Paleontologic Site “Kamac Mayu”: Taphonomy and Genesis in the Karstic Quaternary of the Calama Basin (Region De Antofagasta-Chile)

Journal/Revista: Ameghiniana
Autor ACHP: Rafael Labarca
Año: 2009

Fluidization of buried mass-wasting deposits in lake sediments and its relevance for paleoseismology: Results from a reflection seismic study of lakes Villarrica and Calafquén (South-Central Chile)

Journal/Revista: Sedimentary Geology
Autores: Moernaut, J., De Batist, M., Heirman, K., Van Daele, M., Brümmer, R., & Urrutia, R.
Autor ACHP: Mario Pino
Año: 2009
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New observations of Fulica ardesiaca (Gruiformes: Rallidae) from Carrizal Bajo wetlands and a possibly case of hybridization

Journal/Revista: Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile
Autores: Torres-Araneda, A., Yury-Yáñez, R
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto
Año: 2009
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Patterns of skull variation of Brachydelphis (Cetacea, Odontoceti) from the neogene of the southeastern pacific.

Journal/Revista: Journal of Mammalogy
Autores: Suárez, M. E., Cozzuol, M. A., Schultz, C. L.
Autor ACHP: Carolina S. Gutstein David Rubilar-Rogers Alexander Vargas
Año: 2009
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First record of Elasmosaurid Plesiosaurs (Sauropterygia: Plesiosauria) in upper levels of the Dorotea Formation, Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian), Puerto Natales, Chilean Patagonia

Journal/Revista: Andean Geology
Autores: Suárez, M. E., & Le Roux, J. P.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero
Año: 2009
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First Record of Mephitidae (Carnivora: Mammalia) for the Pleistocene of Chile

Journal/Revista: Magallania
Autores: González G, E., Prevosti, F. J.,
Autor ACHP: Mario Pino
Año: 2009
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Palaeobiogeographical provenance, taphonomy, and mode of life of Aturia cubaensis (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea) from Cainozoic deposits of Chile

Journal/Revista: GEOBIOS
Autores: Bandel, K., & Kroeger, B.
Autor ACHP: Sven Nielsen
Año: 2009
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Early Miocene subtropical water temperatures in the southeast Pacific

Journal/Revista: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Autores: Glodny, J.
Autor ACHP: Sven Nielsen
Año: 2009
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A central role for venom in predation by Varanus komodoensis (Komodo Dragon) and the extinct giant Varanus (Megalania) priscus

Journal/Revista: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Autores: Bryan G. Fry, Stephen Wroe, Wouter Teeuwisse, Matthias J. P. van Osch, Janette Ingle, Colin McHenry, Toni Ferrara, Phillip Clausen, Holger Scheib, Kelly, L. Winter, Laura Greisman, Kim Roelants, Louise van der Weerd, Christofer J. Clemente, Eleni Giannakis, Wayne C. Hodgson, Sonja Luz, Paolo Martelli, Karthiyani Krishnasamy, Elazar Kochva, Hang Fai Kwok, Denis Scanlon, John Karas, Diane M. Citron, Ellie J. C. Goldstein, Judith E. Mcnaughtan, Janette A. Norman. A
Autor ACHP: Karen Moreno
Año: 2009
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A Climatic and Taxonomic Comparison between Leaf Litter and Standing Vegetation from a Florida Swamp Woodland

Journal/Revista: American Journal of Botany
Autores: Dilcher David L., Kowalski Elizabeth A., Wiemann Michael C., Lott Terry A.
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa
Año: 2009
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Description of Aetostreon pilmatuegrossum sp. nov. from the Lower Cretaceous of Argentina (Neuquén Basin), and significance of the conservative left valve morphology in oysters of the genus Aetostreon Bayle.

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: Lazo, D. G.
Autor ACHP: Alfonso Rubilar
Año: 2009
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New Data on Miocene Neotropical Provinciality from Cerdas, Bolivia

Journal/Revista: Journal of Mammalian Evolution
Autores: Anaya, F., Auerbach, D., Garzione, C., & MacFadden, B. J
Autor ACHP: Darin Croft
Año: 2009
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Vertebrates from the middle?–late Cenomanian La Cabaña Formation (Asturias, northern Spain): Palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographic implications

Journal/Revista: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Autores: Vullo, R., & Buscalioni, A. D.
Autor ACHP: Enrique Bernárdez
Año: 2009
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Assessment of ecosystem services as an opportunity for the conservation and management of native forests in Chile

Journal/Revista: Forest Ecology and Management
Autores: A. Lara, C. Little, R. Urrutia, J. McPhee, C. Álvarez-Garretón, C. Oyarzún, D. Soto, P. Donoso, L. Nahuelhual,
Autor ACHP: Mario Pino
Año: 2009
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Did Paul Kammerer discover epigenetic inheritance? A modern look at the controversial midwife toad experiments

Journal/Revista: Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Autor ACHP: Alexander Vargas
Año: 2009
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Distribution and seasonal fluctuations in the aquatic biodiversity of the southern Altiplano

Journal/Revista: Limnologica
Autores: Márquez-García M, Vila I, Méndez MA, Carvajal JL, Sabando MC
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa
Año: 2009
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Equipo de Introducción a la Investigación Geopaleobiológica en Somosaguas: un nuevo enfoque para el aprendizaje de la investigación

Journal/Revista: PaleoLusitana
Autores: Benítez López, Guillermo y Fesharaki, Omid y Gómez Cano, Ana Rosa
Autor ACHP: Miriam Perez De los Ríos
Año: 2009

Evolution of digit identity in the three-toed Italian skink Chalcides chalcides: A new case of digit identity frame shift

Journal/Revista: Evolution and Development
Autores: Young, R. L., Kohlsdorf, T., May, G. E., Wagner, G. P., Caputo, V., & Giovannotti, M
Autor ACHP: Alexander Vargas
Año: 2009
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Frame-shifts of digit identity in bird evolution and Cyclopamine-treated wings

Journal/Revista: Evolution and Development
Autores: Wagner, G. P
Autor ACHP: Alexander Vargas
Año: 2009
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The Use of Sighting Records to Infer Species Extinctions: An Evaluation of Different Methods

Journal/Revista: Ecology
Autores: Hunt Gene, & Roy Kaustuv
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Rivadeneira
Año: 2009

Uso Del Espacio De Cazadores Recolectores Y Paleoambiente Holoceno en El Valle Del Río Cisnes, Región De Aisén, Chile

Journal/Revista: Magallania
Autor ACHP: Ana Abarzua
Año: 2009
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