
Asociación Chilena de Paleontología

Artículos Científicos

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Burdigalian deposits of the Santa Cruz Formation in the Sierra Baguales, Austral (Magallanes) Basin: Age, depositional environment and vertebrate fossils

Journal/Revista: Andean Geology
Autores: Le Roux, Jacobus P, Vásquez, Ana, Gutiérrez, Néstor M, Oyarzún, José Luis, Carreño, Catalina, Llanos, Andrea, Fanning, C. Mark, & Hervé, Francisco.
Autor ACHP: Enrique Bostelmann Rodrigo Otero Teresa Torres
Año: 2013
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Estuary deposits in the Río Baguales Formation (Chattian-Aquitanean), Magallanes Province, Chile / Depósitos estuarinos en la Formación Río Baguales (Chattiano-Aquitaniano), Provincia de Magallanes, Chile

Journal/Revista: Andean Geology
Autores: Le Roux, J.; Puratich, J.; Oyarzun, J.; Herve, F.
Autor ACHP: Francisco Amaro Mourgues Rodrigo Otero Teresa Torres
Año: 2010
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Neoselachians and Chimaeriformes (Chondrichthyes) from the latest Cretaceous–Paleogene of Sierra Baguales, southernmost Chile. Chronostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Oyarzún, J. L., Yury-Yáñez, R. E., Gutierrez, N. M., Le Roux, J. P., & Hervé, F
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto Teresa Torres
Año: 2013
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Very low-grade secondary minerals as indicators of palaeo-hydrothermal systems in the Upper Cretaceous volcanic succession of Hannah Point, Livingston Island, Antarctica.

Journal/Revista: Applied Clay Science
Autores: Bastias, J., Fuentes, F., Aguirre, L., Hervé, F., Demant, A., Deckart, K.
Autor ACHP: Teresa Torres
Año: 2016
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New fossil woods from lower Cenozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, and the implications for the trans-Antarctic Peninsula Eocene climatic gradient

Journal/Revista: Papers in Palaeontology
Autores: Oh, C., Philippe, M., McLoughlin, S., Woo, J., Park, T.-Y. S., & Choi, H.-G
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Teresa Torres
Año: 2020
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A Late Eocene age proposal for the Loreto Formation (Brunswick Peninsula, southernmost Chile), based on fossil cartilaginous fishes, paleobotany and radiometric evidence

Journal/Revista: Andean Geology
Autores: Le Roux, J.; Herve, F.; Fanning, C.; Yury-Yanez, R
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Teresa Torres
Año: 2012
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