
Asociación Chilena de Paleontología

Artículos Científicos

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Cryptoclidid plesiosaurs (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) from the Upper Jurassic of the Atacama Desert

Journal/Revista: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Autores: Rojas, J, Rojas O, Ortiz H
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2020
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Arackar licanantay gen. et sp. nov. a new lithostrotian (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Atacama Region, northern Chile

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: Gonzalez Riga, Bernardo & Iriarte-Diaz, Jose & Arévalo, Carlos
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón Carolina S. Gutstein David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2021
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"New ctenochasmatid pterosaur record for Gondwana: discovery in the Lower Cretaceous continental deposits of the Atacama Desert, northern Chile"

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: S., Codorniú, L., Sallaberry, M., & Suárez, M
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2020
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New observations of Fulica ardesiaca (Gruiformes: Rallidae) from Carrizal Bajo wetlands and a possibly case of hybridization

Journal/Revista: Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile
Autores: Torres-Araneda, A., Yury-Yáñez, R
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto
Año: 2009
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Journal/Revista: Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile
Autores: González, E., Codorniú, L
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2018

Short note on a caudal vertebra of titanosaur (Sauropoda, Lithostrotia) from the Late Cretaceous of Atacama Region

Journal/Revista: Boletín del Museo nacional de Historia Natural
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2017

A postcranial skeleton of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur from the Maastrichtian of central Chile, with comments on the affinities of Late Cretaceous plesiosauroids from the Weddellian Biogeographic Province

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2012
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Aristonectes quiriquinensis, sp. nov., a new highly derived elasmosaurid from the upper Maastrichtian of central Chile

Journal/Revista: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Autores: O’Keefe, F. R., O’Gorman, J. P., Stinnesbeck, W. S., Suárez, M. E., Quinzio-Sinn, L. A.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Christian Salazar Sergio Soto
Año: 2014
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Osteology of Aristonectes quiriquinensis (Elasmosauridae, Aristonectinae) from the upper Maastrichtian of central Chile

Journal/Revista: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Autores: O’keefe FR
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2018
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Presence of the elasmosaurid plesiosaur Mauisaurus in the Maastrichtian (Late Cretaceous) of central Chile

Journal/Revista: Acta Palaeontologica Polonica
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2010
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Reassessment of cf. Plotosaurus from the upper Maastrichtian of Chile, with comments on the South American distribution of halisaurine mosasaurs

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: Jiménez-Huidobro, P. & Caldwell, M. W.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2019
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Registro de Pomacea sp. (Gastropoda: Ampullaridae) en Chile

Journal/Revista: Amici Molluscarum
Autores: Letelier, Sergio
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto
Año: 2008

Eocene birds from the western margin of southernmost South America

Journal/Revista: Journal of Paleontology
Autores: Sallaberry, M. A., Yury-Yáñez, R. E., & Torres G., T.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2010
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Evidence of a giant helmeted frog (Australobatrachia, Calyptocephalellidae) from Eocene levels of the Magallanes Basin, southernmost Chile

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Jiménez-Huidobro, P., & Yury-Yáñez, R. E.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2014
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First record of mosasaurs (Lepidosauria: Mosasauridae) from the late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of the Magallanes Basin

Journal/Revista: Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2015

Freshwater turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira) in the Upper Cretaceous of Chilean Patagonia

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Bajor, D., Guevara, J. P., Suazo Lara, F
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón Roy Fernández Marcelo Leppe C. Leslie Manriquez Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2020
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Neoselachians and Chimaeriformes (Chondrichthyes) from the latest Cretaceous–Paleogene of Sierra Baguales, southernmost Chile. Chronostratigraphic, paleobiogeographic and paleoenvironmental implications

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Oyarzún, J. L., Yury-Yáñez, R. E., Gutierrez, N. M., Le Roux, J. P., & Hervé, F
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto Teresa Torres
Año: 2013
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New chondrichthyans from Bartonian-Priabonian levels of Río de Las Minas and Sierra Dorotea, Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia

Journal/Revista: Andean Geology
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2015
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New cladotherian mammal from southern Chile and the evolution of mesungulatid meridiolestidans at the dusk of the Mesozoic era

Journal/Revista: Scientific Reports
Autores: Martinelli, Agustin & Goin, Francisco & Kaluza, Jonatan & Fonseca, Pedro Henrique & Reguero, Marcelo
Autor ACHP: Enrique Bostelmann Marcelo Leppe C. Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2021
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New elasmosaurids (Sauripterygia, PLesiosauria) from Late Cretaceous of the Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia: Evidences of a faunal turnover during the Maastrichtian along the Weddellian Biogeographic Province

Journal/Revista: Andean Geology
Autores: Oyarzún, J. L.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Christian Salazar Sergio Soto
Año: 2015
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Kaikaifilu hervei gen. et sp nov., a new large mosasaur (Squamata, Mosasauridae) from the upper Maastrichtian of Antarctica

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autor ACHP: Carolina S. Gutstein Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2017
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Additions to the diversity of elasmosaurid plesiosaurs from the Upper Cretaceous of Antarctica

Journal/Revista: Gondwana Research
Autores: Yury-Yáñez, R. E.
Autor ACHP: Carolina S. Gutstein Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2014
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Cranial anatomy of Morturneria seymourensis from Antarctica, and the evolution of filter feeding in plesiosaurs of the Austral Late Cretaceous

Journal/Revista: Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology
Autores: O’Keefe FR, O’gorman JP, Godfrey SJ, Chatterjee S
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2017
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A new postcranial skeleton of an elasmosaurid plesiosaur from the Upper Cretaceous of central Chile and reassessment of Cimoliasaurus andium Deecke

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2014
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Taguatagua 1: New insights into the late Pleistocene fauna, paleoenvironment, and human subsistence in a unique lacustrine context in central Chile

Journal/Revista: Quaternary Science Reviews
Autores: González-Guarda, E., Lizama-Catalán, Á ., Suazo-Lara, F.,Soto-Huenchuman, P
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón Karina Buldrini Rafael Labarca Pablo Oyanadel Christian Salazar Sergio Soto Natalia Villavicencio
Año: 2020
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The late Pleistocene-early Holocene rails (Gruiformes: Rallidae) of Laguna de Tagua Tagua Formation, central Chile, with the description of a new extinct giant coot

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón Rafael Labarca Sergio Soto
Año: 2020
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A new species of the genus Echinorhinus (Chondrichthyes, Echinorhiniformes) from the upper cretaceous of southern South America (Argentina-Chile)

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: Bogan, S., Agnolin, F. L., Egli, F. B., Suárez, M. E., & Novas, F. E.
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero Sergio Soto
Año: 2017
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First bird remains from the Eocene of Algarrobo, central Chile

Journal/Revista: Andean Geology
Autores: Yury-Yáñez, R. E., Suárez, M. E., & Sallaberry, M
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2012
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Marine reptiles from Late Cretaceous (early Maastrichtian) deposits in Algarrobo, central Chile

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: Parham, J. F., Jimenez-Huidobro, P.,
Autor ACHP: Rodrigo Otero David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2012
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Confección del catastro de las colecciones osteológicas de aves en Chile

Journal/Revista: Boletín Chileno de Ornitología
Autores: Sallaberry, Michel & Yury, Roberto
Autor ACHP: David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2006

Assesment and interpretation of negative forelimb allometry in the evolution of nonavian Theropoda

Journal/Revista: Frontiers in Zoology
Autores: Palma Liberona, J. A., Mendez, M. A.
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2019
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Developmental evolution of the distal ankle in the dinosaur-bird transition

Journal/Revista: Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution
Autores: Bona, P., Sallaberry, M.
Autor ACHP: Luis Ossa Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2020
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Dinosaur ossification centres in embryonic birds uncover developmental evolution of the skull

Journal/Revista: Nature Ecology and Evolution
Autores: Smith-Paredes D, Núñez-León D, Soto-Acuña S, Botelho JF, O’Connor J.
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2018
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Estado de conservación de la colección osteológica de aves de la Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile

Journal/Revista: Noticiario Mensual del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural
Autores: Sallaberry M, Yury Yáñez R
Autor ACHP: David Rubilar-Rogers Sergio Soto
Año: 2007

Experiencia del Laboratorio de Malacología del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural en la elaboración de su base de datos

Journal/Revista: Amici Molluscarum
Autores: Letelier S., Rebolledo A.
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto
Año: 2012

Greater Growth of Proximal Metatarsals in Bird Embryos and the Evolution of Hallux Position in the Grasping Foot

Journal/Revista: Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B
Autores: Botelho, J. F., Smith-Paredes, D., Núñez-León, D.,& Palma, V
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2017
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Molecular development of fibular reduction in birds and its evolution from dinosaurs

Journal/Revista: Evolution
Autores: Botelho, J. F., Smith-Paredes, D., O’Connor, J., & Palma, V
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2016
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New developmental evidence clarifies the evolution of wrist bones in the dinosaur-bird transition.

Journal/Revista: PLoS Biology
Autores: Botelho, J. F., Smith-Paredes, D., Nuñez-León, D., Salinas-Saavedra, M., Macarena Ruiz-Flore
Autor ACHP: Luis Ossa Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2014
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Skeletal plasticity in response to embryonic muscular activity underlies the development and evolution of the perching digit of birds

Journal/Revista: Scientific Reports
Autores: Botelho, J. F., Smith-Paredes, D., Mpodozis, J., Palma, V.
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2015
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The developmental origin of zygodactyl feet and its possible loss in the evolution of Passeriformes

Journal/Revista: Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Autores: Botelho, J. F., Smith-Paredes, D., Nunez-Leon, D
Autor ACHP: Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2014
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The Origin and Evolutionary Consequences of Skeletal Traits Shaped by Embryonic Muscular Activity, from Basal Theropods to Modern Birds

Autores: Ruiz-Flores, M., , Haidr, N., Acosta-Hospitaleche, C., & Munoz-Walther, V
Autor ACHP: Luis Ossa Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2017
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