
Asociación Chilena de Paleontología

Artículos Científicos

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Lycopsids from the Upper Devonian of northern Chile with remarks on the geographical distribution of the morphogenus Haplostigma Seward

Journal/Revista: Palaeontologische Zeitschrift
Autores: Niemeyer, H., Kerp, H.
Autor ACHP: Philippe Moisan
Año: 2011
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A Late Triassic flora from Gomero (Santa Juana Formation), Chile

Journal/Revista: Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen
Autores: Abad, E., Bomfleur, B., & Kerp, H.
Autor ACHP: Philippe Moisan
Año: 2010
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New records of Upper Triassic Cycadales and Cycadeoidales of Biobio river, Chile

Journal/Revista: Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Philippe Moisan
Año: 2003
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Paleobotánica del Triásico Superior del valle del río Biobío, Chile: Clase Filicopsida

Journal/Revista: Revista Geológica de Chile
Autores: Abad, E.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Philippe Moisan Sylvia Palma-Heldt
Año: 2006
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Cycadalean and bennettitalean foliage from the Triassic Madygen Lagerstätte (SW Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia)

Journal/Revista: Review of Palaeobotany & Palynology
Autores: Voigt, S., Pott, C., Buchwitz, M., Schneider, J. W., & Kerp, H.
Autor ACHP: Philippe Moisan
Año: 2011
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Fossil roots with root nodules from the Madygen Formation (Ladinian–Carnian; Triassic) of Kyrgyzstan

Journal/Revista: Geobios
Autores: Krings, M., Voigt, S., & Kerp, H.
Autor ACHP: Philippe Moisan
Año: 2020
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Lycopsid-arthropod associations and odonatopteran oviposition on Triassic herbaceous Isoetites

Journal/Revista: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Autores: Labandeira, C. C., Matushkina, N. A., Wappler, T., Voigt, S., & Kerp, H
Autor ACHP: Philippe Moisan
Año: 2012
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New fossil bryophytes from the Triassic Madygen Lagerstatte (SW Kyrgyzstan)

Journal/Revista: Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Autores: Kerp, H., Voigt, S., & Schneider, J. W
Autor ACHP: Philippe Moisan
Año: 2012
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The study of cuticular and epidermal features in fossil plant impressions using silicone replicas for scanning electron microscopy

Journal/Revista: Paleontologia Electronica
Autor ACHP: Philippe Moisan
Año: 2012

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