
Asociación Chilena de Paleontología

Artículos Científicos

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New records of Upper Triassic Cycadales and Cycadeoidales of Biobio river, Chile

Journal/Revista: Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Philippe Moisan
Año: 2003
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Paleobotánica del Triásico Superior del valle del río Biobío, Chile: Clase Filicopsida

Journal/Revista: Revista Geológica de Chile
Autores: Abad, E.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Philippe Moisan Sylvia Palma-Heldt
Año: 2006
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Sueria laxinervis, a new fossil species of cycadales from the upper cretaceous quiriquina formation in cocholgüe, Bíobío Region, Chile

Journal/Revista: Phytotaxa
Autores: Yamada, T., Yamada, T. F., Terada, K., Ohsawa, T. A., Yabe, A., Uemura, K., Legrand, J., Nishida, H., & López-Sepúlveda, P.
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2019
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An austral fern assemblage from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) beds of Cerro Guido, Magallanes Basin, Chilean Patagonia

Journal/Revista: Cretaceous Research
Autores: Trevisan, C., Dutra, T., Manríquez, L., Wilberger, T.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2020
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An ichthyosaurian forefin from the Lower Cretaceous Zapata Formation of southern Chile: implications for morphological variability within Platypterygius.

Journal/Revista: Palaeobio Palaeoenv
Autores: Frey, E., Stinnesbeck, W., , Marta S. Fernández, Luis Rivas,
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Judith Pardo-Pérez Christian Salazar
Año: 2012
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Araucarian leaves and cone scales from the loreto formation of río de las minas, Magellan region, Chile

Journal/Revista: Botany
Autores: Ohsawa, T. A., Yabe, A., Uemura, K., Yamada, T., Terada, K., & Nishida, H.
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2016
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Campanian-Maastrichtian and Eocene stratigraphic architecture, facies analysis, and paleoenvironmental evolution of the northern Magallanes Basin (Chilean Patagonia)

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Lavina, E. L. C.,Trevisan, C.
Autor ACHP: Roy Fernández Marcelo Leppe C. Leslie Manriquez
Año: 2019
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Chronology of deposition and unconformity development across the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary, Magallanes-Austral Basin, Patagonian Andes

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: George, S. W. M., Davis, S. N., Horton, B. K., & Clarke, J. A
Autor ACHP: Roy Fernández Marcelo Leppe C. Leslie Manriquez
Año: 2020
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Evolution of the Austral-Antarctic flora during the Cretaceous: New insights from a paleobiogeographic perspective

Journal/Revista: Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2012
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Freshwater turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira) in the Upper Cretaceous of Chilean Patagonia

Journal/Revista: Journal of South American Earth Sciences
Autores: Bajor, D., Guevara, J. P., Suazo Lara, F
Autor ACHP: Jhonatan Alarcón Roy Fernández Marcelo Leppe C. Leslie Manriquez Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2020
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New cladotherian mammal from southern Chile and the evolution of mesungulatid meridiolestidans at the dusk of the Mesozoic era

Journal/Revista: Scientific Reports
Autores: Martinelli, Agustin & Goin, Francisco & Kaluza, Jonatan & Fonseca, Pedro Henrique & Reguero, Marcelo
Autor ACHP: Enrique Bostelmann Marcelo Leppe C. Sergio Soto Alexander Vargas
Año: 2021
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Trace element contamination and availability in the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica

Journal/Revista: Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts
Autores: Padeiro, Ana & Amaro, Eduardo & Santos, M. & Araújo, Maria & Gomes, Susana & Verkulich, Sergey & Hughes, Kevin & Peter, Hans-Ulrich & Canário, João
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2016
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Multiple late-Pleistocene colonisation events of the Antarctic pearlwort Colobanthus quitensis (Caryophyllaceae) reveal the recent arrival of native Antarctic vascular flora

Journal/Revista: Journal of Biogeography
Autores: Biersma, E. M., Newsham, K. K., Goodall-Copestake, W. P., Convey, P., Torres-Díaz, C., Vidal, M. A., Collado, G. A., Valladares, M. A., Molina-Montenegro, M. A., Acuña-Rodríguez, I. S. , Ballesteros, G. I., Figueroa, C. C., Cuba-Díaz, M., & Pertierra, L. R
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2020
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New Avian tracks from the lower to middle Eocene at Fossil Hill, King George Island, Antarctica

Journal/Revista: Antarctic Science
Autores: Mansilla, H., De Valais, S., Stinnesbeck, W., Varela, N.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2012
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New fossil woods from lower Cenozoic volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, and the implications for the trans-Antarctic Peninsula Eocene climatic gradient

Journal/Revista: Papers in Palaeontology
Autores: Oh, C., Philippe, M., McLoughlin, S., Woo, J., Park, T.-Y. S., & Choi, H.-G
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Teresa Torres
Año: 2020
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Eocene fossil feather from King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica

Journal/Revista: Antarctic Science
Autores: Mansilla, H. G., Stinnesbeck, W., Varela, N.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2014
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A Lower Cretaceous ichthyosaur graveyard in deep marine slope channel deposits at Torres del Paine National Park, southern Chile

Journal/Revista: Geological Society of America Bulletin
Autores: Stinnesbeck, W., Frey, E., Rivas, L
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C. Judith Pardo-Pérez Christian Salazar Patricio Zambrano
Año: 2014
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A roadmap for Antarctic and Southern Ocean science for the next two decades and beyond

Journal/Revista: Antarctic Science
Autores: M.C. Kennicutt II, S.L. Chown, J.J. Cassano, D. Liggett, L.S. Peck, R. Massom, S.R. Rintoul, J. Storey, D.G. Vaughan, T.J. Wilson, I. Allison, J. Ayton, R. Badhe, J. Baeseman, P.J. Barrett, R.E. Bell, N. Bertler, S. Bo, A. Brandt, D. Bromwich, S.C. Cary, M.S. Clark, P. Convey, E.S. Costa, D. Cowan, R. Deconto, R. Dunbar, C. Elfring, C. Escutia, J. Francis, H.A. Fricker, M. Fukuchi, N. Gilbert, J. Gutt, C. Havermans, D. Hik, G. Hosie, C. Jones, Y.D. Kim, Y. Le Maho, S.H. Lee, G. Leitchenkov, X. Li, V. Lipenkov, K. Lochte, J. López-Martínez, C. Lüdecke, W. Lyons, S. Marenssi, H. Miller, P. Morozova, T. Naish, S. Nayak, R. Ravindra, J. Retamales, C.A. Ricci, M. Rogan-Finnemore, Y. Ropert-Coudert, A.A. Samah, L. Sanson, T. Scambos, I.R. Schloss, K. Shiraishi, M.J. Siegert, J.C. Simões, B. Storey, M.D. Sparrow, D.H. Wall, J.C. Walsh, G. Wilson, J.G. Winther, J.C. Xavier, H. Yang, W.J. Sutherland
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2014
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Assessing trace element contamination in Fildes Peninsula (King George Island) and Ardley Island, Antarctic

Journal/Revista: Marine Pollution Bulletin
Autores: Amaro, E., Padeiro, A., Mão de Ferro, A., Mota, A. M., Verkulich, S., Hughes, K. A., Peter, H.-U., & Canário, J
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2015
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Delivering 21st century Antarctic and Southern Ocean science

Journal/Revista: Antarctic Science
Autores: M.C. Kennicutt II, Y.D. Kim, M. Rogan-Finnemore, S. Anandakrishnan, S.L. Chown, S. Colwell, D. Cowan, C. Escutia, Y. Frenot, J. Hall, D. Liggett, A.J. Mcdonald, U. Nixdorf, M.J. Siegert, J. Storey, A. Wåhlin, A. Weatherwax, G.S. Wilson, T. Wilson, R. Wooding, S. Ackley, N. Biebow, D. Blankenship, S. Bo, J. Baeseman, C.A. Cárdenas, J. Cassano, C. Danhong, J. Dañobeitia, J. Francis, J. Guldahl, G. Hashida, L. Jiménez Corbalán, A. Klepikov, J. Lee, F. Lijun, J. López-Martinez, M. Memolli, Y. Motoyoshi, R. Mousalle Bueno, J. Negrete, M.A. Ojeda Cárdenes, M. Proaño Silva, S. Ramos-Garcia, H. Sala, H. Shin, X. Shijie, K. Shiraishi, T. Stockings, S. Trotter, D.G. Vaughan, J. Viera Da Unha De Menezes, V. Vlasich, Q. Weijia, J.-G. Winther, H. Miller, S. Rintoul, H. Yang
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2016
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Environmental hazard assessment of contaminated soils in Antarctica: Using a structured tier 1 approach to inform decision-making

Journal/Revista: Science of the Total Environment
Autores: Pereira, J. L., Pereira, P., Padeiro, A., Gonçalves, F., Amaro, E., Verkulich, S., Hughes, K. A., Peter, H.-U., & Canário, J
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2017
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Evaluating trace element bioavailability and potential transfer into marine food chains using immobilised diatom model species Phaeodactylum tricornutum, on King George Island, Antarctica

Journal/Revista: Marine Pollution Bulletin
Autores: Cabrita, M. T., Padeiro, A., Amaro, E., dos Santos, M. C., Verkulich, S., Hughes, K. A., Peter, H.-U., & Canário, J.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2017
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Evolution of Climatic Related Leaf Traits in the Family Nothofagaceae

Journal/Revista: Frontiers in Plant Science
Autores: Nataly Glade-Vargas
Autor ACHP: Luis Felipe Hinojosa Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2018
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Seabirds modify El Nino effects on tree growth in a southern Pacific island

Journal/Revista: Ecology
Autores: Molina-Montenegro, M. A., Torres-Díaz, C., Gallardo-Cerda, J., & Gianoli, E.
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2013
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Sustained Antarctic Research: A 21st Century Imperative

Journal/Revista: Antarctic Research
Autores: Mahlon C. Kennicutt, David Bromwich, Daniela Liggett, Birgit Njåstad, Lloyd Peck, Stephen R. Rintoul, Catherine Ritz, Martin J. Siegert, Alan Aitken, Cassandra M. Brooks, John Cassano, Sanjay Chaturvedi, Dake Chen, Klaus Dodds, Nicholas R. Golledge, Céline Le Bohec, Alison Murray, P. Chandrika Nath, Marilyn N. Raphael, Michelle Rogan-Finnemore, Dustin M. Schroeder, Lynne Talley, Tony Travouillon, David G. Vaughan, Lifan Wang, Allan T. Weatherwax, Huigen Yang, Steven L. Chown
Autor ACHP: Marcelo Leppe C.
Año: 2019
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